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The Heirloom Collection ~ In Loving Memory


/ˈerˌlōōm/    noun

: something of special value handed down from one generation to another

In loving memory of Dana Pustaver 

{ 3.27.59 – 7.6.22 }

When our loved ones leave us, we often find comfort in the things they leave behind. We know that the objects themselves are not important, but the memories they hold feel like a tiny lifeboat amidst the crashing waves. When we set the table for brunch with our grandmother’s dishes and our mom’s tablecloth, we feel like we're honoring their memory and carrying them with us in each special moment we wish so deeply they could be here for. This is what The Heirloom Collection means to us—special memories of simple moments that feel so much bigger & more significant now that they’re gone. 

We created The Heirloom Collection as a labor of love after the unexpected loss of our mom last summer. Each piece is curated by myself and my sister Danielle—whom you may know as our HH “workflow guru”—and was chosen with our mom and grandmother in mind. Think: sweet florals, rich wood grain, bright colors, vintage-inspired textiles, copper, leather, and brass. 

We invite you to curate your own heirloom collection. To set the table with something beautiful as you celebrate the little {and big} moments in life. To enjoy beauty in the everyday with goods that will stand the test of time. To share these special moments with the people in your life that mean the most to you. To create traditions that are carried on from generation to generation. To honor the ones that came before us and those that will remain after us.

Our mom always said, “the biggest things happen in the smallest moments”. The small moments are what we hold dearest now that she’s gone, and the memories are what get us through the heartache of losing her much too soon.

I will forever think of my mom each time I pour a cup of tea. I’ll find peace in the memories of snuggling up in one of her vintage quilts with the sweetest floral teacup as we watched Little Women or one of her favorite British Dramas.

My grandmother made every meal with her family feel special. When I host a meal with my family and friends, I set the table with her in mind. I hear her voice in my head when I share with my daughter the correct placement of the flatware. At Grandma’s, fresh wild flowers from the field and beautiful linens hanging in the closet were always at the ready.

These are the moments we hold onto. We know they don’t live in the "things" they left behind, but each time we hold those special things in our hands, our memories of them live on and we honor them as we create new ones. 

We hope you enjoy this special collection & feel inspired to cherish the simple, but oh-so-special moments in life.

~Rachael & Danielle 


This heirloom selection honors the memory of Dana and mom in such a sweet and beautiful way.

Vicki ,

Big ugly cry with this one!! Love to all

Kathleen ,

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