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Black Lives Matter Email from 06/02/2020

Because a few of our Black customers asked us to share our email about our thoughts on what's happening in the wake of George Floyd's murder, we're putting it here. 


Hey, y'all. Kristin here…

We're taking a departure from our regular emails to explain how we are taking concrete actions to fight racism. It has taken a few days to digest, to learn, and to research what we are doing and how we will do it. We apologize if you've been waiting to hear from us, but this isn't a topic we could address lightly or quickly.

As white women, it is impossible to know what it feels like to be a black person living in America. I'm going to speak for myself and Rachael here, and I'm going to do the best that I can to make sure we are not indulging in our white privilege or virtue signaling as I try to express our collective horror. 

George Floyd's brutal and unjust murder and the world's rightful indignation of it is a long-overdue wake-up call for not only the US but the world as a whole. This horrific event underscores a brutally honest fact: our system has to change because it's killing Black humans. White supremacy, in all of its visible and NOT so visible forms, has to STOP. We have begun to learn that we are guilty of engaging in and benefitting from systemic white supremacy. We didn't know it, and that is inexcusable. We always thought we were “good" white people. We have learned that it's not enough to be “not be racist”. We have to become anti-racist. We still have a lot to learn, and that education started last week when we began doing the work in Layla Saad's book Me and White Supremacy.

Complacent white people (formerly, like ourselves) need to start doing more today to be the change we want to see. Continuing to be bystanders that are concerned and full of compassion but not doing much to help (aside from casting our votes periodically to help effect change) isn't enough. We have to start by expressing our solidarity with the Black people of this country that are fighting for the same fundamental rights we enjoy because we were born white. Dignity, freedom, and racial equality should belong to everyone, not just white people.

To our Black sisters and brothers, we see you. We are here to do better and correct our mistakes. We are here to support you more substantively. 

Here's what we are doing now to confront racism and to become more anti-racist:

+We are donating 15% of our profits this month to the Black Voters Matter Fund.

+It is our firm belief that real change comes when we vote: free and fair elections allow communities to determine their destiny.

+We have already donated to the following charities


Black Lives Matter

Know Your Rights Camp 

The Loveland Foundation

+We have signed these petitions Justice for George Floyd Justice for Bronna Taylor Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

Act Color of Change for George Floyd

We Can't Breathe 

NAACP We Are Done Dying

+We are reading

Me and White Supremacy

White Fragility

+We are diligently working on a plan for Holistic Habitat with steps we can take every day, not just today or this week, to help end racial injustice. These are just the first small steps & barely above the bare minimum, and it is not enough. It is a start. 

For now, we will continue to listen and educate ourselves further. If you are Black or an indigenous person of color and you have any comments, criticism, or resources you want to share with us, we are all ears. Simply reply to this email. If you want to reach out to us on social media versus sending us an email you will have the best luck on Instagram. We are not, however, asking for your help to educate us since we know that education is our responsibility alone. 

We will be over here with our noses in books after we have shipped your packages.

In peace, love, and gratitude,

Kristin & Rachael

Co-Founders, Holistic Habitat

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