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A Letter to Our Customers, COVID-19 & How We are Handling It

Hey y’all Kristin here...

Like you, we have received many emails from the brands that we buy from that contain lots of very formal and kinda scary language abut COVID-19, The CDC, and The WHO (not the band). We’re going to skip that formal language and just be ourselves. Cool? Cool.

We are taking this thing VERY SERIOUSLY. Rachael is pregnant, and Zack has a small baby at home (I’m just cranky and don’t want to get sick). Due to Rachael and Zack’s baby status, we have been hyper-vigilant about COVID-19  LONG before it was discovered in the United States. 

FINALLY, my obsessive consumption of news media has actually paid off!


We are not here to play. We are not here to get sick and we are ESPECIALLY not here to endanger anyone else. We are isolating and we are doing everything we can to be part of the containment of COVID-19 vs being part of the spread. We have suspended our practice of only using organic cleaners and we have been (literally) nuking every surface in our homes, cars, and HQ with as much Lysol, alcohol, and bleach as we can get our hands-on. If anyone asks, we don’t have anymore sanitizing wipes. ;) 


With that said, we were kinda built for this new reality. We have worked remotely since 2017 and now that we have our new headquarters, we have complete control over who and what comes through those doors. As much as it pains us (because we want to decorate the new space) Rachael and I will continue to work remotely. Your orders will still be shipped by Zack and only Zack. He will be isolated with the exception of traveling from his home to our HQ. You can rest assured your packages will arrive as always: quickly, well wrapped, and COVID-19 free. YAY!


If anything changes with regards to our shipping status, you will be the second to know because we will know first and now we're just splitting hairs...

We’re not gonna lie...we are a little scared. We have just expanded our operations and now...THIS. But, we trust that we will be OK. We trust that you, our friends and customers, will continue to order from us. We know you’ll be isolated at home too and you’re probably gonna get a little bored and then you’ll start moving stuff around the house. Then, hopefully, you’ll remember that we had that cute thing that you wanted for that spot and you’ll place an order with us because you know your money helps support others in need.

Technically, we are all in NEED right now. We’re in need of safety, comfort, and reassurance. We want to do our part to help with those needs. Since we can’t come to hang with you IRL, we’re going to be connecting with you via social A LOT. We promise to share as much helpful and fun information as we can. We want us all to stay sane(ish). Stay tuned for some great new ideas and SALES! 

As always, we appreciate YOU more than YOU know and we couldn’t do this without you. So, please stay safe and we’re here if you need us (from afar, please). 

Xoxo- Kristin, Rachael, and Zack

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