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5 House Plants You'll Have a Hard Time Killing

Having a home populated with beautiful living plants is an entire mood. But this task can be really daunting for someone who has a habit of killing plants, even the unkillable kind. We are here to tell you not to give up. You can do it! And we can help you by telling you 5 of the most low-maintenance plants and how to care for them. We believe in you. 

Pothos Plant


If you want to add some life to your home, Pothos plants are an easy way to start. Their vine-like appearance and easy care make them also perfect as hanging plants.


Pothos plants enjoy a wide range of lighting. They like low light and can dwell in offices or bathrooms where natural light is limited, but Pothos plants also like bright indirect lighting. They do not do so well in direct sunlight. 

If your Pothos plant is highly variegated (a fancy way of saying it is colorful), mainly white, it may not thrive in low light conditions. This is because the green of the plant’s leaves helps it convert light into the energy needed to grow. If there isn’t much green on the leaves, it will be difficult to convert sunlight into energy. 


Pothos plants also thrive in a variety of conditions. They will grow in a vase of water, in or in dry soil for a reasonable period. However, do not water the plant regularly; water it only when the soil is parched.  This plant does not like to sit in moist soil, which can lead to root rot. The plant will tell you when it’s thirsty by getting droopy.


This plant is also easy to propagate. For example, cuttings can be taken from the mother plant and started in either soil or water. However, once started in either, they do not do well if switched. For instance, if a cutting starts in soil, it will not do well if switched to a vase of water or vice versa.  This cute little vase is perfect for propagating your Pothos plants. 


Pothos plants are toxic, and while they will not cause death, they will make you very sick, and their sap may even cause a rash. Therefore, it is essential to keep Pothos plants away from pets and small children. 

Jade Plant 


If cared for properly, Jade plants propagate pretty quickly, which can help you have many plants babies to populate your home or even give as gifts. I mean, who wouldn't like an easy-to-care-for plant as a gift?!


Jade plants love bright, indirect sunlight and need about 6- 8 hours of daylight. Exposure to direct sunlight will make the Jade plant’s leaves burn or turn red.


Jade plants like moist soil, but too much water will rot their roots. Don’t water the plant on a schedule, but wait until the top of the soil is dry. If the jade plant starts losing leaves or has leaf spots, the plant needs more water. However, if the leaves feel squishy, they are probably being overwatered. 

The jade plant actively grows in the warmer months and will require more water. 

Avoid splashing water on the leaves while watering. In humid environments, water on the leaves can lead to rot. 

If watering from the bottom, be sure to pour out the excess water after a few minutes. You don’t want the jade plant sitting in water. 

Jade plants may be sensitive to salt in tap water, so be sure to use distilled or purified water. 


Jade plants do well in warmer temperatures between 65-75 F during the day and about 55F at night. If they are in indirect sunlight, they can do well in warmer climates. However, they are not frost resistant, so if you have them outside, be sure to bring them in on cooler nights. 


Propagating a Jade plant is almost as easy as taking care it. Jade cuttings love warm and humid environments, so the summer may be the best time to do it. You can either propagate it from a branch, 3-4" long or you can even propagate it from a leaf if you can't find a branch that is long enough.

To propagate from a branch:

  1. pick a healthy branch that is free of infection and is at least 3" long.
  2. Cut off branch with a clean and sharp knife.  
  3. Allow the cutting to dry and form  a callous around the area where it was cut (1 - 2 weeks.)  Planting it while it is wet may cause infection. 
  4. Dust the cutting with rooting hormone. This is optional, but experts suggest that it will help the plant root faster. 
  5. Loosely fill a container with succulent potting soil
  6. Make a hole in the soil for the cutting. Ensure the hole is big enough so that the rooting hormone doesn't rub off while placing the soil in the hole.
  7. Pack the dirt around the succulent.
  8. Move to a safe place out of sunlight and do not water until the plant starts growing roots. New growth on the top of the plant is a good sign that the jade plant has taken root. 


Jade plants need fertilizing every six months or you can use a  slow-release fertilizer.


All parts of the Jade plant are considered poisonous and can be fatal if large portions are consumed. Be sure to keep a careful eye out for pets and young children. 

Snake Plant

This plant is in the running for the best house plant. It is very durable, even if neglected for weeks. NASA also has determined that snake plants are good air purifiers and remove toxins from the air. Therefore, they are excellent house or office plants. 


Snake plants like bright indirect sunlight. They can also do well in low-lit areas, but they will probably grow a lot more slowly.


Snake plants need water very infrequently. Allow the soil to almost completely dry between watering. To see if the plant is ready for a drink use a finger or wooden stick about an inch or so down to make sure that it is completely dry. Too much water will cause the roots to rot.  You can also water from the bottom to avoid overwatering.  In winter, the snake plant is more dormant and will not need as much water. 

Make sure to choose a planter with a lot of drainage. Terracotta planters work better than plastic planters at absorbing excess water. 


Snake plants like to be in warm conditions above 50F. So when the temperatures drop, protect the snake plant from drafty windows. 


Snake plants have large leaves and will need regular dusting to stay healthy and absorb as much light as they need to make enough energy. Check out our plant dusting gloves for easy dusting. 

Snake plants can grow quite fast in optimal conditions and may need to be separated annually. 

Money Tree

Money Trees are beautiful and popular house plants.   And with a few specific essential caring tips, they thrive easily. 


Money trees, also known as Pachira Aquatica, like bright, indirect sunlight and can also do well in the shade. However, direct sun may scorch their leaves.


Money trees are naturally from humid and wet environments. Therefore, they love lots of water infrequently. Experts suggest watering the plant until you see the water pouring out of the drainage holes, but then waiting until the soil is dry 2-4 inches down before giving it another drink. This mimics what happens in its natural habitat. 

Do not allow the plant to sit in water. This plant hates to be overwatered and can experience root rot. 

Money Trees love to be in a humid environment. You can create a humid climate with a humidifier                                                                                                                                                                              or set the plant on top of a shallow tray filled with pebbles and water. The water should evaporate, which gives the tree the humidity that it needs. 

Do not place this plant under a vent that can dry it out.

Money trees need less water in the winter when growth slows down.  


Money trees like to be in temperatures from 65-90F. However, they can survive in temperatures as low as 50F as well. But keep the plant away from drafty areas.


Use peat moss soil that is very good at draining. Money trees don’t like sitting in water.

Fertilize the money tree weekly during the spring and summer months with diluted liquid plant food.

ZZ Plants 

ZZ plants can make even the gardeners with the blackest thumbs look good because of how easy they are to care for. Even if you are a forgetful plant parent, there is a lot of room for error when taking care of this plant. 


These plants also do well with a range of light conditions. They can thrive in a low-lit room, with little to no sunlight, or in well-lit indirect sunlight. 


This plant is pretty hard to kill, but overwatering will more than likely be the culprit if you were to kill it. Water only when the soil is completely dry. This plant can go for a long time without being watered but will grow faster if watered regularly. 


ZZ plants do not like temperatures below 45F, so moderate home temperatures are perfect for this plant to thrive. 


This plant is very poisonous, so please keep it away from pets or curious kids. Also, wash your hands after handling it to avoid breaking out in rashes.


If you're thinking about becoming a plant parent, we invite you to take the plunge. It will bring so much joy and life to your space. And with these simple care tips, these low-maintenance plants will help you create a comforting and welcoming space. Who knows, you may even get a green thumb. 

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